Effective June 2022, all HKBU staff are required to fulfill the compliance training requirements, with an aim to minimize and mitigate the risks that the University is prone to, as well as to enable proper understanding of the limits, procedures and practices while working in the University.

You are required to complete the compliance training on the Human Capital Management (HCM) platform. For topics 1 to 5, you need to get ALL answers correct to obtain a “Pass”. For topic 6, you are required to complete an acknowledgement form.

You can access the compliance topics on HCM platform by clicking the link below:

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Topic 5

Topic 6


All full-time staff members, existing/new/rejoining, are required to observe these requirements:

All Staff are required to complete the training on:
  • Topics 1, 2, 3 and 5: every three years.
  • Topics 4 and 6: at least once during their employment with the University.
New Staff are required to complete the training for:
  • All the compliance topics and acknowledge reading of the University’s policies and guidelines within the probation period as a requirement for passing the probation and conducting their Annual Performance Review (APR).

All part-time staff members are strong advised to take the compliance trainings. To be eligible for consideration of contract renewal, part-time staff members should have a valid record of his/her successful completion of compliance training.

*For details and eligibility of the compliance training, please refer to the Compulsory Compliance Training Policy.

Completion and Records

Upon successful completion of all the training for the compliance topics above, you can check and download your training record on HCM platform.