To search more about the Asia’s world city, explore its unique fusion of East & West, its tradition and innovation, vibrancy and serenity. The web of the Hong Kong Tourism Board tells you more!
- Scenic Attractions: be amazed by the diverse contrasts and close proximity of stunning cityscapes and soaring mountains, extensive green countryside.
- Shopping: enjoy the sheer variety of products and brands in all price ranges.
- Cultural Exploration: taste the flavour and atmosphere of this cosmopolitan city that has been shaped by centuries of Chinese history and heritage and combined with more than 150 years of colonialism.
- Food and Dining: sample a full choice of authentic Cantonese delicacies, Asian cuisines and western fare and enjoy delightful experiences in popular dining precincts.
- Events and Festivals: experience the colourful and traditional festivals and enjoy the uniquely festive atmosphere.