Professional Personal Counselling & Consultation

To promote and maintain a mentally healthy worklife among staff members of the University community, the University provides counselling service to support full-time staff members to cope with work-related and personal issues, including stress/emotional management, interpersonal relationship, career development, pre-marital and marital issues, parenting, family relationship, pre-retirement preparation, with a view to exploring effective solutions to manage the issues, regain quality performance and personal well-being.

Scope of Services

You may contact either the Counselling and Development Section of the Student Affairs Office on campus, or the Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) outside campus for such service. Supervisors may also refer employees to seek out these services.

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On-campus Counselling Service

Whenever you need to talk, we are always here to listen.

For on campus counselling service, please contact the Counselling and Development Section of the Student Affairs Office (extn. 7435).

Service Provided by the HKCS

The University offers an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) through HKCS to handle problems at work and in daily life via professional counselling, consultation & resource sharing. All personal information and details shared and discussed in counseling sessions are strictly confidential.

The service fee is currently supported by the University.

HKCS Hotline: 2721 3939

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