Creating Better Workplace

We strive to creating a better workplace for over 3,000 employees within the University. With an emphasis on the importance of a caring and harmonious environment, we are committed to implementing a series of measures to build a favorable campus community that allows each of you to work, thrive and shine.

We understand that the arrival of a new baby brings an abundance of love, joy and responsibilities, so we try to alleviate the stress that comes from being a working parent. Eligible employees could enjoy maternity/paternity leave and related medical benefits, in accordance with the University's prevailing policies and regulations.

As a family-friendly organisation, we know the needs to balance childcare and work. Breastfeeding facilities and lactation breaks are available to ensure that breastfeeding is compatible with work. Our effort to promote Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace has been recognised by organisations, such as UNICEF.

We highly respect privacy. When information is collected, stored, and utilised in daily operations, the obligations to safeguard personal data, maintain its security, and adhere to a host of personal data protection measures and practices are taken seriously. This is done to ensure the legitimate use of personal data.

We are committed to equality of opportunities for all members of the University regardless of identity or background. Everyone has the rights to be respected and equally treated and there is zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment. The University has taken active steps in support of equality and diversity, and prohibition of discrimination and harassment across campus.

Inclusive Culture Inclusive Culture
Inclusive Culture

Fostering social integration and building a caring society for all, we participated in the Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme to show our commitment to providing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

It is of paramount importance to create a workplace that is free of sexual harassment. We stand firm against any unwelcomed sexual behaviour. We put in place prevention measures to reduce the risk of sexual harassment occurring in the University community by all means.

We are dedicated to maintaining good governance, accountability and a high degree of transparency, and also always encourage staff to report any suspected malpractice, misconduct, irregularity or illegality at the University.

The University is included in the Schedule to the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) as a "public body".  All employees must be wary of any "advantage" offered to him/her and which could in any way be connected with the performance of his/her duties as a University staff.