We are committed to building an agile, healthy, and positive workplace. Through delivering various well-being programs and activities, our employees are provided with opportunities to engage and strengthen their connections.
You are required to fulfill the compliance training requirements, with an aim to minimize and mitigate the risks that the university is prone to, as well as to enable proper understanding of the limits, procedures and practices while working in the university.
We recognise the importance of quality health and holistic well-being of our employees. We promote physical and mental well-being through various programmes and activities.
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is also one of the means to promote and maintain a mentally healthy work life among staff members. The University has appointed the Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) as the service provider of EAP to help deal with work-related and personal issues.
Throughout the year, we offer a variety of activities to foster engagement and connection among colleagues. Some activities welcome family members, promoting family cohesion and work-life balance. In addition to these initiatives, we provide various wellness workshops to reinforce our commitment to employee well-being.
To show appreciation for our staff’s commitment to excellence and recognise their achievements, we have established a range of awards and honours, in addition to annual performance review.
We also recognise our long-serving and retiring staff for their valuable contributions to the University over the years. Souvenirs will be presented to the awardees at the Milestone in Service Ceremony held every June.
We are fully committed to the fair treatment of all of our staff. To further raise awareness among employees, various initiatives promoting equal opportunities and respect for others have been implemented.